The communication template below serves as a message to encourage retailers to sign up for a Promoboxx Webinar. We encourage brands to send this message from their own e-mail or from the "Messages" section within Promoboxx.
You are busy - and here at {{BRAND}} we want to help make the most of your time online, so you can do what you do best offline. That's why we partner with Promoboxx, the "just-add-water digital marketing platform" where you get professionally curated content to share to your social media platforms with just the click of a button.
{{BRAND}} is hosting a webinar with Promoboxx on {{DATE AND TIME OF WEBINAR}} to show off all the highlights and answer any questions you may have. Can't attend? That's okay - we will record the entire webinar, and you'll be sent a recording of the discussion so you can access the information at any time.
Here are some of the features we will highlight:
- How to share content to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter in just a few clicks
- How to customize the content and attract new customers
- "Set it and forget it" with optional auto-share posting
- Ability to schedule posts - do a month's work of social media in just a few minutes!
We hope to see you there, or to share the recording with you afterwards!
REGISTER NOW! {{Link to anymeeting registration form}}
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