To create suggested messages for X shares, please follow the steps below:
Step 1: Log into your Promoboxx Dashboard
Step 2: Select "Create New Campaign" in the top right-hand corner of your Dashboard
Step 3: Upload a piece of content and select "X" as your share channel (create shares and continue)
Step 4: Click on the X tab to edit your content
Step 5: Add as many suggestions as you'd like! We recommend adding at least two to three options and a strong call to action. These options are randomized when a retailer goes to share, which contributes to tweet uniqueness and adherence to X’s policy.
Retailers have an enhanced interface for reviewing brand-provided messaging suggestions, which can be seen below. Retailers will not be able to post the brand messages without editing it through their dashboard. As the retailer edits their tweet, the meter will update based on the uniqueness of their copy. When the post becomes unique enough, the meter will appear green and the retailer will be able to share it.
Retailers can follow the steps in the Tweet Uniqueness Retailer Academy article to add suggested messaging to X and make it unique to their business.
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