You asked, we answered. We are excited to announce the new expanded Paid/Co-op Functionality!
In addition to the existing Premium Ad functionality that allows you to fund campaigns directly for your retailers, you can now transfer co-op funds to your retailers and allow them to select the Premium Ad campaigns of their choosing (from the Premium Ad Campaigns you make available for them).
1. Funded by You
- This is the existing tried and true Paid Ad Campaign structure! Contribute funds to a specific Paid Ad Campaign for retailers of your choosing, simply:
- Navigate to the “Paid/Co-op Ads” page
- Structure the Paid Ad Campaign as you desire (make sure that “Use Brand Funds” is selected in the “Funding Type” dropdown)
- Designated funds for retailers of your choosing
- BONUS: You can now select “Use brand funds and retailer funds” to enable your retailers to contribute additional funds to the selected Paid Ad.
2. NEW Funded by your Retailers option
- You now have the option to create Co-op Ad Campaigns without having to designate money for your retailers! Don’t worry, you will still be able to transfer money from your retailers if you wish so that they can choose which Paid/Co-op Ads they want to participate in. Simply:
- Navigate to the “Paid/Co-op Ads” page
- Structure the Paid Ad Campaign as you desire
- Select “Retailer Funded” in the “Funding Type” dropdown
BONUS: You can transfer funds from your wallet to your retailer’s wallet so that they can choose which of your Paid/Co-op Ad Campaigns they want to spend money on! Don’t worry, funds you transfer to your retailers can ONLY be spent on Paid/Co-op Ads from you. If you would like to transfer funds from your wallet to your retailer(s)' wallet(s), email
Pro Tips:
- Use the “duplicate” function to quickly replicate a campaign and change individual details to easily prioritize different sets of retailers. This will allow you to easily target a select set of retailers in a “Funded by You” Paid Campaign then duplicate and select a different set of retailers for the same campaign structure but, that they have to fund themselves (or use existing wallet funds from you).
- Make “Funded by your Retailers” Paid/Co-op Ad Campaigns available to as many retailers as you are comfortable with. These Ads will not be automated for your retailers so, don’t be afraid to only exclude inviting retailers that you are really worried about having access to that Paid/Co-op Ad. Retailers will simply fund the ones they want to fund.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates on Co-op enhancements coming soon!
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